Monday, October 10, 2016

First post! (and how it's stressful to click "publish")

Surprise! I deal with high-functioning anxiety, self-deprecating thoughts, and over-stressing about life!

I know, some of you are thinking, "Yeah, that makes sense" and others might be completely surprised. I don't really tell a lot of people about this journey I've been on throughout my life that has escalated in the past year, but I feel that it is time to help others out with their mental health problems by telling my story and how I am getting over it. I hope to be able to help others with this blog. I believed for the longest time that I was the only person that dealt with this because I didn't hear about it. I feel that mental health disorders are being talked about more in our culture.

This blog isn't supposed to be a all-knowing source of knowledge about anxiety, depression, or stress. I'm still figuring stuff out and I definitely don't know everything about this. I'm always learning more and more about what anxiety and depression is. This is just to help people know that they're not alone in this struggle. If you want to ask questions about my struggle with anxiety or on how I deal with it, please message me on Facebook or leave a comment or somehow get a hold of me.

I'm going to post links to websites that I have found helpful in my search for understanding what has been going on in my life. And I'm also going to post funny things to lighten your day because who doesn't need a good laugh?

And these posts are going to have religious overtones in them as well, so don't be surprised when I start talking about the Atonement or Jesus Christ or our Heavenly Father.

Speaking of religious overtones, I found this article the other day and I agree wholeheartedly with this quote from it:
"Brokenness is a gift.
Why? Because our brokenness connects us to each other, and our brokenness brings us to Christ. It is by bringing our broken hearts to Him that we are made whole.
Sharing our brokenness brings meaning to our experiences, and the connection we make with others when we share our stories brings healing."
(here's the link: "The Gift of Being Broken")

I want to help healing in others and, honestly, help myself as well. I hope that this blog can help do that. If anything, if just one person knows that they aren't alone in this fight, then that will be enough. For me, it was (and is!) really helpful to know that I am not the only person dealing with this.

I had a significant reminder yesterday that I do not have to do this alone. I know that Jesus Christ has suffered through this so that He would "know according to the flesh how to succor [me] with [my] infirmities" (Alma 7:11-13, The Book of Mormon). I hope that whoever is reading this knows that they are not alone in this fight; you have others fighting with you and, most of all, you have Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost on your side.

A good starting place for dealing with mental health issues is this website:

Hope your day is great and keep on keeping on!

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